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Monday, July 21, 2008

2E - Development Standards (Defensive Programming)

Part two in the series and takes a look at defensive programming techniques and how these help you to create reliable programs.

The following a guidelines for creating robust code.

Always check for a divide by zero (runtime) error by checking the divisor field for zero value prior to performing the *DIV operation.

Never move numeric fields into a field with a smaller domain.
With RPG this can cause truncation of the value and with RPG ILE Pre 8.0 will cause an RPG ILE runtime error.

Ensure that your iteration values and counters are large enough to cater for your anticipated maximum.

Ensure that your field sizes for database attributes are sized sufficiently to cater for the number of records anticipated.

Ensure that your arrays are sized to cater for the maximum number of array records anticipated.
Thus avoiding array index out of bounds issues. Remember to balance this with not overly sizing the array and thus causing a performance degragetion.

Always ensure that any substring operations utilising position and length parameters are within the range of the target field. Thus avoiding substring out of bounds.

Remember to check the function options for your function to ensure appropriate behaviour, especially close down program and reclaim resources.

Never use the WRK context in new programs. Use LCL and HLL.
If you choose to fix up old WRK fields, remember to check all other internals within your object and ensure that fields aren't used. This used to be used a trick in the old days to bypass the paramters passing limits. This was pre-arrays and when structure files where a pain.

Avoid HLL User Source and Programs. If you do write user source for RPG first convert program to RPG ILE and write one user source. The sign of a well managed and maintained 2E model is the percentage of HLL code versus generated code. If your models are more than 5% HLL then you have issues and a history of developers who have misunderstood the purpose and philosphies of model based development. IMHO.

Always pass parameters to user source. Do not rely on the generated field names.

Avoid use of CON context as these values are not available for impact analysis and localisation.

Avoid manual source modification. Use a program and the pre-processor directives to amend code automatically.

Source Modification – Special Notes.

Manual source modification must be avoided at all costs. If source is required to be overridden then a source modifying program should be written to automatically perform this function after generation and before compilation using the pre-processor.

In Summary:-

- Do NOT consider source modification unless absolutely necessary.

- Avoid the use of fields that use incremental counters for naming i.e. LCL Context YLnnnn.

- Avoid adding parameters above a field declared as a modified field. Therefore, always try to ensure that your fields that are parameters that are modified are at the top of the parameter declaration list.

- Try to avoid usage of fields higher than 32k. If 64k is required considered looping in 32k blocks as the 64k limit would one day be exceeded.

- Consider a naming standard to help you to easily identify a modified program and its modifying program.

- Consider centralised methods to ensure source modification programs have been successful rather then depend on a developer having to manually check the modified source.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. "Never move numeric fields into a field with a smaller domain."

    It may seem obvious but I have experience of a spectacular failure on this count. It was JD Edwards enterprise software (4.1 from memory) and their license-checking code (for some reason I never understood) took the last 5 (numeric) positions from your system serial number and added to it the current (6 digit) job number. It put this result in a 6 digit field! Later in the code it performed the subtraction and checked the result!!

    The net effect? One Tuesday morning around 11:17am, with no recent changes performed on the system, EVERYTHING began failing.

    A brilliant example of code that was designed to fail. My solution? Our serial number was around 12345, so I wrote a very quick CL to submit 13,000 very short jobs, thus clocking the job number.


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