Showing posts with label 2e. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2e. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Did you know Synon 2E has aFull Screen Mode?

Long time IBMi users typically work with an expanded WRKACTJOB screen shortly after learning all the command keys that are of use.  As a junior developer (back in the early nineties), I was always in awe of the seniors around me who didn't need to toggle through the command key options whilst managing the jobs running in the system.

As always though, once you had learnt the system you could press F21 to remove the subfile options and command key text, thus freeing up more room for the critical data on these somewhat limited 5250 displays. 

If I remember rightly, the command key used to bring up a window and you could chose between Basic (might have been intermediate) and Advanced mode.  This has long since been removed from the o/s and the command key merely acts as a toggle nowadays.  The reward of course was the ability to see more of your processes and interactive sessions.

Here is my current 'Pro' setup lol.

Synon aka 2e with various prefixes, Cool: Allfusion: Advantage: CA: etc also has the ability for a user to see more on selected screens.  Here are a couple that might be of interest. 

Action Diagram Expanded vs Normal view.

Most developers could survive with this as virtually all worth their salt will know every option and command key off the top of their head anyhow.

A lesser-known scenario and also a bit harder to remember all the options, is the ability to extend the records shown when viewing a model list. 

Personally, I don't have this one switched on but kudos to anyone out there that does!

So how do you set these values?

From the main Services Menu take option 11 for Edit model profile (YEDTMDLPRF) or as the menu implies, execute the command.  Then set the options accordingly.

You're welcome.
Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Understanding CONstant usages in 2e.

One of my colleagues was trying to track down some (potentially) hardcoded string values/literals.  She had already used the SQL queries in one of my previous posts to narrow down the usages inside messages, however, she was also concerned that there might be some underlying hardcoding via CND and more specifically via CON values.

As a side, IMHO there should be next to no CON usages in a well architected model apart from, values like *BLANK, 0.00 and some tolerance towards values like 12 (months), 52 (weeks), 365 (days), 100 (percentage).  I'd even accept 1,2,3, 9999999 etc.

I draw the line at meaningful literals that could have been scoped conditions (CND) or database values.

My main reason for this is that there isn't a way (via the 2E tool interface) to check for usages of CON values.  Obviously, we can scan the generated source, but then what about all the genuine field names or comments.

Back with 2E!  When generating the source, it somehow lets the generator knows about them and adds them into the code (inline) or as part of a data structure.  Take a look at the bottom of a source listing if you don't believe me.

Here is a sample function using some constants.  Note the 'Create Flatfile' call is passing in 'FLAT FILE CoNsTANT' as CON.

And here are the relevant code snippets of generated source i.e. The moves.

Followed by the structure of CON values at the bottom.  Note: Sometimes the CON is generated 'inline' at the point of the MOVE.

Anyhow, in order for the CON values to be consistently applied, they must be in the 2E model data files somewhere, with the theory being we should also be able to query them.  As CON can only be applied via action diagram text, let's start by looking there in the YMSGACTRFP file.

It looks like we have some constants referred to in field ELMTTL ** (Element Title - highlighted RED).  This could be a good start but there are some obvious limitations. Whilst it looks like it covers basic *MOVE and *CONCAT field assignments, when we have hardcoded values going into a function call (PURPLE), the CON value isn't reflected in the ELMTTL field.  

**It would appear that the ELMTTL data is used for the AD layout.  Perhaps I will expand more on the complexities of this data in a future post!!!

However, it looks like 2E maintains a surrogate reference for each unique CON value used in the AD regardless of AD syntax used.  (GREEN)

This is awesome, but how are these linked via the function AD?  

To do this, let's take a gander at a subset of the 2E files in the model library. The one highlighted below looks like it could be useful and most likely, a file most dev's didn't even realise existed.  Hands up who has explored the intricacies of the model schema.

What does the data look like in the table?

Bingo, we have our constants.  

Luckily ours are at the bottom of the file :-) for easier blog documentation.  Diving deeper, we have now confirmed that 2E maintains a surrogate reference for each unique CON value and if we refer back to the YMSGACTRFP image above, these are all highlighted in the GREEN section.

So, all that is left for us to do is to identify the CON values we want to analyse, work out what functions they are linked to via the AD code and some pretty cool impact analysis is before us.

Here is a sample SQL retrieving the many different usages of the term 'constant'.  As CON is only ever associated with field @@SUB3, the query is quite straight forward.

Ensuring you have the correct library list.

SELECT DISTINCT b.@@msg, c.OBJNME, b.@@SUB3, a.CON, c.OBJOWN    
b.@@SUB3 LEFT JOIN YMDLOBJRFP c on b.@@MSG = c.@@OBJ  
WHERE UPPER(a.CON) LIKE '%CONSTANT%' AND c.CUROBJ = 'Y'                       

This query returns unique records for each of the functions using CON context with the word 'constant', the UPPER() function ensures we don't miss any based-on case differences.  The rest of the query does a basic join to return some additional fields from YMDLOBJRFP (This is the *ALLOBJ or *A model list).  You can add to this query or tidy up names and formatting however you like.

I hope that this helps someone.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Exploring 2E messages via SQL (Update)

Last year I made a small post about querying the underlying 2E files for messages, this use case came up at my current contract today and a small improvement can be made.

Here is the original post for some more context.

Lee Dare - Software Development Principles, Plex/2e and everything else in between.: Exploring 2E messages via SQL (

In addition to the above, I recommend the SQL syntax is improved by catering for 'Mixed Case'

SELECT a.@@MSG, a.MSG, a.TYPOPT, b.SECLVL                     
FROM YMSGDTARFP a                                             
LEFT JOIN YMSGSECRFP b ON a.@@MSG = b.@@MSG                   
WHERE UPPER(a.MSG) like '%KD33%' OR                           

The actual query above is checking for the message name in the 2E model, the default message text and the second level text associated with the message.

Thanks for reading and as always, interested in any feedback.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

It's (ELeM)entary, My Dear Watson

I've used this trick a few times so I thought I should share it on the blog before I get run over by a bus.

Often we (developers) are asked to produce or consume data files for integrations with 3rd party systems.  Even with the emergence of web services there are still many many times where the preferred method of interchange is file based, typically these are bulk (high volume) transactional exchanges.  Think payments between banks etc 

For the systems I've worked on we have solved this with .csv delimited inbound and outbound files.  We have also utilised fixed width files, the majority having old school multi-format layouts with a traditional header, detail and footer structure which has some advantages over .csv.

For now, I will also ignore that we could have also provided XML or JSON payloads as part of a real-time integration. 

As you can see, there are numerous ways to skin this cat. However, this is a 2E and Plex blog so for today, let us concentrate on:-

  • How you might build and consume files into a 2E based application. 
  • How can we create a multi-format flat file using purely Synon logic only?

Let's fire up a 5250 session and explore an unsung feature in 2E that helps remove the complexity of building these flat files.

What are we going to build? 

An extract file with a header record, 10 detailed transactional records and a footer which denotes both EOF as well as have a total  for basic validation.  In the real-word this may include hash total etc

An example of what this file data might look like is below.

Back in 2E, f
irst define a file with one Known By (Numeric 9.0) should be suffice for most integrations and a second field (Has relation) of 'Flatfile Data' - Type TXT and length of 500 (or whatever length works for your environment). RP4 has better field limits than RPG. 

I've called my file FIXFILP.

Now we need to build the data record, usually you would start concatenating the data values together to meet the design specification of the receiving system and handle those pesky FILLER57 fields etc that always appear from somewhere.

This involves dozens (if not hundreds) of lines of code to concatenate the data.  The resulting action diagram is often difficult to understand and cumbersome to maintain.

What if there was an easier way to build up the data with the ability to easily reorder the fields and cater for changing field lengths.  Well there is, using a neat unsung feature of 2E arrays.

2E keeps track of the last record to be added, changed or read in an array, a sort of cursor I guess.  This is available in action diagram logic hidden in the ELM context. (ELeMent).

The only 'built in' function that can use the ELM context is a *CVTVAR.  

First create an array with the data fields you would like to appear in the dataset, this can be header, detail 1, detail 2, footer etc.  It doesn't really matter for a flat file process.  To keep it nice and simple I have made up some generic fields names with various data types.

I've keyed these arrays based on the Record type of HDR, DTL and FTR.  You can do how best suits your use case.  All the arrays are set with a 'Numer of Elements' of 1 record as I don't need to use the in the traditional sense.  I just need a pointer to an ELM in memory.

All we then do is call a CRTOBJ over the array to populate the data.  Once in the array, we can use the *CVTVAR to populate a flat file field.  2E handles all the different data types and spits out a well formatted string which you can write to the database/extract file etc

But we are not done.  I've ready other blogs that talk about ELM and they do a pretty good job of explaining the outbound example above.  But not many people realise that depending on whether you are using the ELM context as Input or Output, is the equivalent of constructing or deconstructing the data.  So yes, this method can be used to unpack flat files also. :-)

As long as in the receiving function you have created a shell array record.  You can use ELM to move the data into the array and then standard RTVOBJ functionality to retrieve the record in its deconstructed form.

An example below of a couple of screens that I rushed together showing the data string and the subsequent fields.

You simply point the flatfile string to the correct array and 2E will handle everything else.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

This doesn't get old.

More than 30 years after first seeing this, I appreciate it more and more.  It's like a fine wine maturing quietly in a cellar.


Friday, June 30, 2023

Exploring 2E messages via SQL

Bitesized post today.

I needed to query the model to see if a particular function was called in second level message text.  I also wanted to see if it was referenced in the message name or the message text just to make sure I tracked down all usages.

The simple solution was to join the two files from the 2E model and do a little check to see if my string (PGM in this instance) was mentioned.


For more on the underlying files in 2E, take a look at these posts from many years ago.

Thanks for reading.

p.s. Remember to have your library list pointing to the correct model!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

*MOVE and *MOVE ARRAY with 2E date and time fields

Every 2E model has functions that are no longer required, yet they persist and continually get reused.  A good example of this common issue is the continued usage of legacy date conversion routines that exist in most 2E data models.

How many of you have the following functions (or very similar) in your model?

The reason why is quite simple!
They were probably written long before 2E supported the date fields indicated.  After all, the DT8 (Date 8) and DT# (Date ISO) were added relatively late in the tools evolution.

I recall working at a company in London (pre 2000), who had solved the Y2K problem by transitioning their date fields from DTE to an user defined field type CDT (Century Date), this was basically a DT8 i.e. YYYYMMDD but implemented way before 2E had supported it.  I believe 2E were quite late to the party and implemented DT8 support around 1999.  Synon Inc started supporting the DT8 field specifically for people transitioning their models from DTE to DT8 and to help overcome any potential Y2K date rollover issues within their code.  There was even a model analysis tool that helped people identify these issues.

The problem is..... Many sites had already solved their issues (as above), whilst others stuck with the DTE format and its limitations and perhaps only targeted certain field like DOB.  I reckon there are dozens of sites around the world that continue to define dates as DTE out of habit!  I would be guilty of doing so for sure.

Anyhow, for those that have moved on and are defining DT8 or DT# or TS# (ISO Timestamp), I still believe that many programmers will be using the self coded legacy functions to perform date conversion.  I know I have too been guilty of this crime from time to time in the heat of coding.
The thinking goes something like this?

  1. Navigate to your system functions or date functions (scoping file DFN).
  2. Filter on Date or Convert (cnv) and pick the function that suites your needs.
  3. Test function and everything works fine.
  4. Great, Job done!

However, there is one small flaw with this.  You didn't need to use the legacy date conversion functions anymore.  Remember, these were likely written before 2E supported the source or target date format or have been written more recently by a developer who didn't realise that 2E already handles automatic date conversion between its (shipped) data types.
As long as you are moving data from a field type that is supported and that it has 'date like' data in it, 2E will automatically handle the conversion for you.

The table below (directly from the 2E online documentation) helps showcase all the automatic conversions that are handled by 2E and below that a table highlighting the limitations or rules.

* Conversions for the shipped D8# and the user-defined DT8 (8-digit internal representation) data types are identical.

What does this look like in the code?  Well let's take a look at some generated code to find out.

The following 'mock up' function is trying to covert the DTE (*JOB DATE) to a DT# (ISO) and DT8 format.

The source (RP4) for this is generated as follows:-

The ISO conversion is a little more complicated and is also generated into a subroutine so that it can be called for any date conversions from DTE to DT#.  The DTE to DT8 conversion is something I am sure you have done many times in code using the *ADD etc these are generated inline and not passed to a subroutine due to the small number of lines of code.

The subroutine code for ISO is below.

A final point to note is that if you have a number field of 7.0 length masquerading as a date, you can move it into a date field DTE date.  Same with 8.0 to DT8, which will be more common if interfacing to data derived from more modern databases that never had a history of supporting dates like DTE or Julian.

You can then apply 2E date functions as usual.

Finally, we are not limited to dates, times and their myriad of formats are also interchangeable.

Thanks for reading. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

SQL is your friend

Today I had a minor task to implement.  The task was to initialise some new data in a file.

Typically, I would write a program as an EXCEXTFUN and do my processing via standard 2E code.  The problem with little data update programs is that unless you manage them well (i.e. remove them, label them so you can ignore them etc), they start to clutter the model.  On the other hand they are handy to have around in case someone needs to do something similar in the future.

However, unless you are a software house, you probably don't care too much that this 'product field' was initialised 8 years ago by xyz user.

That all said and done, my task was to insert a data record and there were some fields that needed to be initialised that contained the business data, and, there was also an AUDIT STAMP for the INSERT.  If you don't mind me saying, it was quite a convoluted one at that too with numerous fields.  This AUDIT STAMP required a User, Date, Time, Job Number and Job Name among other fields.  With 2E all of these are simple to MAP and are available to us via the JOB context.

My task was to implement the data without adding to the setup/fix program maintenance burden and on this occasion we have a few choices.

  1. Write a document explaining to the implementer how I want them to add a record. Either by a YWRKF hack or perhaps a user screen.
  2. Give them a small data file and ask them to CPYF the records into the target file as *ADD.
  3. Write that 2E program I spoke of above and get them to call it.

Or, as I did in this instance.  

    4. Simply give them a line of SQL I wanted them to execute.

Sweet, job done, but how do I initialise the 2E formatted date, or get the current system date and time from the machine and, where do I get the JOB details from that are so easily available within 2E code via the JOB context.

The answer is as follows: SQL has what it calls global variables (Blue) and functions (Red).  It just turns out that some of these are useful for me to update my fields in the AUDIT STAMP.

In order to initialise my fields I just substitute my insert data with the following:-

User Profile = USER
Date = DEC(CURDATE())-19000000
Job Number = LEFT(JOB_NAME,6)

You will note that to get the 2E DTE format we simply minus the 19000000.  For the standard TIME and USER fields we just use the variables without any manipulation.

For Job Number we need to extract the data the JOB_NAME variable.  Usually this is formatted as 123456/LDARE/QPADEV0001 for example.  However, for people with longer names it could be 654321/PLONGNAME/EOD, also the job running the task may not be an interactive screen if it was submitted for example.

This means that to get the job name data from the JOB_NAME SQL global variable we need to call a little function that locates and substrings all the data after the 2nd '/'.  Given that the JOB_NUMBER is always 6 long I've just arbitrarily started from the 8th character.  I could have embedded more LOCATE calls to replace this hardcoded value, but as always, time was against me.

Hopefully, in the future if you need to update a table via SQL, but were put off by now knowing how to get at some of these global variables, the above will stick in your mind.

Thanks for reading. 


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Enhancement for 2E (Come on Broadcom.....)

I've been having a think about a few enhancements for 2E in the hope that the new owners of the products will invest in them. Leaving aside the roadmap ideas and up voted ideas on the idea wall (which need acting upon, especially REST API support), here are a few other ideas for consideration.

Enhancement One

Add an option in Display All Functions to get at the details screen for a given function to show the model object display screen.  Currently you have to do a Usage (wait…) and the do an 8 next to the 000 level function.

I use this screen to see what list an object is associated with etc.

Enhancement Two

The Open Functions screen is really handy but it would be more useful if we can search for a function via its CPF Name.

Enhancement Three

Action Diagram templates to display (fully) what code they are generating.  A good example of this is the RTVOBJ where the return code is set to *Normal at initialisation and automatically set to *Record does not exist in ‘Record Not Found’ user point.  I would be good if this was shown.

There are other examples where the templates could be expanded to show the exact processing to be generated.

I've seen so much bad coding where people are initialising these values not realising what the template generates.  As 2E is supposed to insulate you from the generated code it would make sense to show in AD what actually occurs.... wouldn't it....

Perhaps an expert mode like F21 (WRKACTJOB) to determine how much detail is shown.  I do honestly believe there is a lot of bad code out there due to template knowledge.

Enhancement Four

SQL Statement Support.  Whilst this is already possible for embedded EXCUSRSRC etc, I was thinking more of an interface to do generic SQL processing but use to the 2E method of declaring files and fields etc, have the added bonus of Impact Analysis.

Ability to define an SQL interface using 2E files/Fields and to execute the SQL statement.  This will show up in usages for the files and fields as *SQLSTM

Enhancement Five

License information.  Sure there is a command to show licensing of the product on the box (YDSPLICPRD), but I use it so infrequently I have to look it up almost every time I need it.  Perhaps the model details screens can be extended to have a command key to show the model licensing details.

So come on Broadcom.  Shape your product, prove that you still care.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Comment on commenting.


Comments are an essential part of any coding practice whether you are using traditional languages that are quite verbose with their syntax and vocabulary i.e. Java, C# or RPG/COBOL.  Even code generation environments like 2E and Plex benefit hugely from appropriate commenting.

Modern low-code platforms like Appian, Mendix and Outsystems (to name a few) who shield you from code (as much as possible) benefit from correctly named functions and comments/annotation within them.

Without comments, what was as relatively simple coding process to the creator is now a moderate pain in the butt for the developer maintaining your code.  Multiply that with a complicated piece of technical logic and/or business logic which is now practically impossible for a maintenance developer to pick up and be successful.

Chances are you will NOT be maintaining your code. Get this into your heads.....

To avoid this, structure your comments professionally and ensure that the comment adds value.

Commenting out old code for safety reasons in the modern world is simply unacceptable.  With repositories like GitHub etc you can be brave and make changes.  Sure, comment some stuff out locally whilst trialing a few ideas....I get it.    But to commit that code to the main branch or the model if programming in Plex/2E is just unforgivable.

If you have got to the point where you have unit tested your code and are 1000% happy, remove the commented out code....NOW.

I'd also go as far to say that you should remove all legacy commented out code at the time you checkout the function...I mean where others have failed before you.  

There are no excuses for leaving commented out code in a production object/branch.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Blog purpose and getting in touch,

For help and guidance LinkedIn is the best method.  I welcome comments, feedback and suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

What is a reasonable time to resolve an issue?

Today, I experienced a bug whilst building a wide screen definition in 2E.  The build was okay but when I went to use it (in the 2E device design editor), I was getting some low-level errors.

Upon googling the error, I came across this ticket which gave a few workarounds, one of which I implemented.

The given workarounds were:-

  1. Set the screen footer to 25 as per the screen print. 
  2. Set the subfile page size for consuming functions explicitly.  I am assuming they mean…
  3. Override the YSFLEND model value to *PLUS and not *TEXT or override it in the consuming function via F7=Function Options

All of these appear to be perfectly good reasons to postpone fixing this issue up within the product as I am guessing...

  • many use the + for subfile,  
  • many also forget to move the command line down to row 26 anyhow when creating and generating wide screens (they leave it at 23) and then wonder why they have a 3 row gap at the bottom of their screens 😊

Is it okay though, that 15 years after it was raised, it is still an issue…..?

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The magic roundabout....

“Computer Associates (CA), where products go to die!”

If you were around in the late 90’s and early noughties, the statement above was industry standard and after a brief rename to the COOL range from Sterling Software prior to the CA acquisition in 2000 the tools known as Synon (now CA 2E) and Obsydian/Plex (now CA Plex) have been maintained and supported by CA.

Correction from above…. CA did in fact (the early years) innovate with the tools quite frequently and with good features and enhancements.  CA were responsible for the introduction of the Web Option, Triggers, RPGILE Generator, numerous SQL’s updates and Web Services for 2E as well as .NET Generator for CA Plex (no small feat), Web Services publication and consumption as well as keeping up with a myriad of technology platform refreshes Plex required. 

All in all, a reasonable job. 

Perhaps a 6 out of 10.

Okay, 5.

The point being that these products didn’t go to CA to die. However, in recent years with development budgets reduced and key personnel leaving the rate of change has stalled significantly.  So much so that nowadays a release highlight are items that would have been reserved for minor features or even bug fixes in years gone by.

Whilst the tools haven’t died they are clearly in maintenance mode.  CA moved this group of products to sustaining engineering.  This has a negative context whilst a product is in decline and I feel that other low-code options with better target platforms coverage have emerged into a space once dominated by case and code generation tooling.

Last week Broadcom announced a cash buyout of CA Technologies for over 18b dollars.
Broadcom doesn’t do software…they are a semiconductor business so what does CA provide them:-

  1. They may be diversifying their offerings and product range.  Perhaps there are some key products in the CA range that assist in their growth or CA has strong alliances with certain business verticals or a client base the parent organisation may wish to gain access to.
  2. Or this is purely a financial decision.  They may have too much cash to burn and need to spend it quickly.  They buy a solid company with a long and attractive maintenance trailing revenue stream and secure long term (almost guaranteed) recurring revenue.  Most likely this means they won’t need to pay any corporation tax for the next year or two as they assimilate this monster of a business.

Perhaps a mix of both but my money is on the second option and that this is merely a financially driven strategic purchase.  

There certainly isn’t any institutional importance for the CA development tools business i.e. CA 2E, CA Plex and CA Gen.  Although these areas are likely to show very high ROI i.e. cost vs revenue on the reporting charts I very much doubt they’ll get anymore focus than they there are currently getting.

Now it would appear, that the final resting place for these (once wonderful and genius) tools is going to be Broadcom.  The new statement being “Broadcom, a place where CA Technologies development tools go to die!”


Hopefully not, I hope that the residual value and with opportunities in a safe pair of hands i.e. a company with a low code focus. It is possible to recapture the essence of CASE and reinvigorate these tools.

Probability?: < 10% if Broadcom don’t want to relinquish these tools.

Lee’s take out!

Sadly, it’s probably time to work out what the next big thing is… These tools are now compliance/maintenance focused (at best) and will be stabilised (cease to be supported) as soon as the revenue trail drops below x, whatever x is.  

x for CA or Broadcom is far higher than x for a passionate low-code only vendor.  I beg Broadcom to review the business units at CA and seek a buyer (at a fair price) so this technology has a chance to thrive once more.  These tools practically invented low-code.  In my eyes they are 20 years ahead of the rest.

Thanks for reading.

p.s. I wonder what theynew name will be....Broadcom Plex doesn't have that good a ring to it.....