Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Exploring 2E messages via SQL (Update)

Last year I made a small post about querying the underlying 2E files for messages, this use case came up at my current contract today and a small improvement can be made.

Here is the original post for some more context.

Lee Dare - Software Development Principles, Plex/2e and everything else in between.: Exploring 2E messages via SQL (

In addition to the above, I recommend the SQL syntax is improved by catering for 'Mixed Case'

SELECT a.@@MSG, a.MSG, a.TYPOPT, b.SECLVL                     
FROM YMSGDTARFP a                                             
LEFT JOIN YMSGSECRFP b ON a.@@MSG = b.@@MSG                   
WHERE UPPER(a.MSG) like '%KD33%' OR                           

The actual query above is checking for the message name in the 2E model, the default message text and the second level text associated with the message.

Thanks for reading and as always, interested in any feedback.

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