Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Implementing a 'Generic' Data Driver File + Printing/Displaying Arrays in Subfiles (Part I)

This is a three part story.

I can think of quite a few occassions in 2E where I have needed to display or print information from a non 2e standard file i.e. A non 2E defined file, an array or even a Data Queue.

I have also had the need to build PRTFIL's and DSPFIL's which needed to aggregate data in a master/detail arrangement. The example below is from a change management application I worked on years ago.  It shows a diary note (Header) and the detailed comments (Detail) in one screen and uses a toggle button to determine the entires shown for either the summary mode or detail mode.

To implement these solutions I have used the 'Generic Data Driver' file concept.  I have introduced this at the last 3 2E sites I have worked at.

A worked example of how to do this with screen shots and code sample code will be in part III .  I have also included some notes to help you set up your own generic data driver file and one example of how to utilise it.  This example also has the added bonus of showing you how you can show arrays on a DSPFIL.  Whooarah....Yippee....Get on with it..... I can hear you all say........

This might save Rory and Simon some hassle anyway!!!!  At least with fending off this often requested enhancement to the base 2E tool.

Until then.....(Next Week).

Thanks for reading.

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