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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Those pesky little 2E errors we all make

After 8 months in the Plex and 2E badlands (employment break).  I am back working in the 2E space for a fantastic company based in Sydney.  I've been super busy with this work and have had little spare time to blog.  Sorry!

I've dusted off my old tips and technique guides and thought it was about time I finished off some of the 2E stuff that I had planned.

Today I'd thought I'd touch on a few 101's.  You know the simple errors we have all made.  The content is aimed a junior or new developers but I encourage the very experienced to also contribute to the debate as I am sure there are other examples.

If you do choose to comment and add to this.  Thank You.

Room 101!

I started writing this list a few months ago and it was added to every time I or a colleague (main culprits) made one of those simple mistakes!  In no particular order....

  1. If you want your RTVOBJ to return the values of a 'RTV All Record' call then it is important to put the *MOVE ALL from DB1 to PAR inside. ;-)  I guarantee that every 2E site on the planet has a set of these.
  2. If you want to promote your programs via CM, then ensure they are on the correct model list, otherwise the stay where they are. :-)
  3. If you want to edit a source member ensure that you use '2' to edit and not '5' to display. :-)
  4. It's not really that important to worry about change control when files are in QTEMP :-)
  5. When debugging ensure you have the option for debugging production files set to *YES :-P
  6. If calling a 2E program via a CLP wrapper (API), remember to put the *return code in the parameter interface.
  7. *QUIT in a Internal Function is NOT a good thing to do if you were trying to exit the code block quicker.
  8. When waiting around for a generate and compilation to complete make sure that you have pressed enter and confirmed!!!!
  9. Don't try to generate a function you have open in another session :-)
  10. If your program relies on a new file or access path, make sure that it is compiled AND/OR moved to the correct library first :-)
  11. If you plan to do a rollback using Test Bench ensure that you have set the checkpoint in the first place.
This list will be expanded over time......

Thanks for reading.