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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What next?

My regular followers for which there are many. I am pleased to say that I have over 100 unique visitors per month visiting the blog and the number is increasing. If have dabbled with a mixture of real life stories and content, technical 2e content, management styles, observations about software development and a couple of other stories related to me and my experiences as long as there is a loose IT twist.

I have spent much of the last two months writing more about 2E. I plan to finish off my posts in this area over the coming months and years. I certainly have plenty of material left.

Finish 2e Development Standards
Model Management
Database Adminstration Guides
Advanced Development Techniques
Model Tidy
Modernisation Options for 2E generated systems
Plex Development

........ are all blog series candidates in their own right.

I thought that I'd take a week off this week and ask you the readership what you would like to see. The hits to date make it a worthwhile exercise for me to put this content on the web. If you have any content you wish to share, requests for additional coverage then place a comment on the blog and I'd be happy to start doing some of this for you.


Let me know. I reckon I have a year or two left in me looking at my current roadmap. A little more now won't hurt.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Good stuff, Lee. Keep it up!

  2. In France,we have CA/2E 8.1SP1fr RPG.Here,we have no news from this product,it seems dead! We have to contact US support to obtain some news/upgrades,it's very difficult to have a schedule of upgrades.We use 2E since 95 and nothing has changed in the way of using it. Please reply to discuss. Thanks.

  3. Lee, thank you so much for all this valuable content you shared with us. Your style of writing makes it so easy and entertaining to read all of this.

    To my opinion modernization options for 2E generated systems and PLex development are more current than ever topics. To a certain degree each of us has been asked for other than 5250 user interfaces.

    How can we use the MVC approach within 2E to open generated functionality to other service requester as web service clients and Plex functions? Can there be built new patterns in 2E for a more easy implementation of MVC?


Thanks for considering leaving some comments about my random rants for everything software development and more.