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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conference 2009 - The great 'Texas' roadtrip and more.......

After the conference I was lucky enough to spend a great week with ADC Austin taking a look (Deep Dive) into their products and services in particular the '2E to Plex' migration process and patterns plus the WebsydianWebClient for Plex.

What can I say!   I was suitably impressed. 

ADC are busy working on an updated version of the migration patterns and the dedication and passion I witnessed from their development team was first class. 


A Plex application running in a browser using Dojo controls. 


A big thank you to John, Juan, Andrew, Eric, Chris, Jill, Bob and Srinath for all your help and hospitality during the week.  Hopefully one day I can return this in good old New Zealand.  It was much appreciated, especially the Friday evening on the boat.  What a fantastic way to finish a fantastic trip.

Thanks to the CA team
A massive shout out also to Bill, Daniel, Rob, Rory and Simon from CA for a great conference.  I had a fantastic time and learnt so so so so much.  Plex and 2E remain very strong:-

  • The Plex ecosystem with ADC and Websydian et al has a great reach into multiple technologies and platforms.  Interesting times are ahead as CA and its partners work towards full coverage of .NET
  • Extending Web Services support and other 2E functions to handle Data Sets and some neat stuff with arrays is on the potential enhancement list for 8.5+.  This further delights me as I look at ways of providing additional business benefits to my customers.

Some collateral from the conference:-

The presentations have been posted on the site.

A video of the conference is now on YouTube:-

Thanks Gavin for producing this, but next time.



I am looking forward to the next conference and the 6.5 Plex beta programme, whenever that may be (Daniel) ;-) not to mention the SP1 for 8.5 of 2E.

Better get back to the usual mutterings from next week.

Thanks for reading.

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