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Monday, February 15, 2010

A GUI option for your CA:2E systems - Quickstep:2e

Shame on me I hear you all say!

How dare he use his personal blog for a product launch for his company.

Well, I can assure you I haven’t sold out, not in the slightest and I certainly haven’t been asked to do this. But I did state when I started this blog that I’d post the latest news as I heard it for both CA:2E and CA Plex.

Today the revised website for Quickstep:2e was launched by SASIT ( based in Auckland, New Zealand. Also, the latest build of the product (version 3.1) has been compatibility tested with CA:2E 8.5 and it works a treat.

Remembering that not every application in your armoury requires the total modernisation treatment. Quickstep:2e remains a viable alternative for organisations that are happy with their green screens productivity.  You are also happy with the CA:2E development environments rapid development capability but want to give a little extra functionality with the least possible expense.

Using Quickstep:2e is one of the easiest ways for you to create a GUI for your CA:2E applications.

Anyhow, don’t take my word for it.  Just visit the site, download and try for yourself.

Thanks for reading.

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