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Thursday, April 29, 2010

CA show strong commitment to Plex and 2E!

I blogged recently about the May Mainframe Madness and in this I referred to the realignment occurring within CA. 

I am happy to report that CA's plans for 2E and Plex are not affected and that new roadmaps (as I predicted) are imminent and will be published on CA support online in the coming weeks.

Extract from a recent communication for which I was a recipient.

"Following the email regarding the recent realignment at CA, please be advised that, for legal reasons, we are not in a position to provide further detailed information until after the end of May. We reaffirm that CA is committed to continuing to develop and support CA Plex and CA 2E; this realignment had no effect on our plans to continue these products forward.

We are in the process of publishing updated roadmap documents for CA Plex and CA 2E that will be available on CA Support Online in the coming weeks."

The key words above are reaffirm, committed, develop, support and no effect.  Being a 'Scrabbler' online, some of these words are worth more than others, but, all together they send a strong message.

All the legal stuff will be that there is an alignment process that needs to be adhered too.  Any product news positive or otherwise will be linked to the alignment process which is ongoing.  Once this is resolved I suggest it will be business as usual or BAU for us Three Letter Acronym freaks.

I'm happy. After all I am pushing for CA Plex to partner our CA 2E development at my employer.

Thanks for reading.

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