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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anyone got a ROADMAP I can use?

CA Plex & CA 2E roadmaps published.

Great news!!! The latest roadmaps for CA 2E and CA Plex (dated May 2010) have been published on the CA website. The links are below:-

Note:- You may need to login into CA support to access these and if you haven’t got a support account it is relatively easy to register.

The key features as I see it are:-

CA Plex

  • Further research and development for the .NET WPF and XBAP client technologies recently demonstrated at the May Mainframe Madness event and Ft Lauderdale in late 2009.
  • Unicode support for IBM i DB2 database
  • Improved JavaBeans support for the Java client generator
  • Final version of the Code Library packaging wizard
  • Continued enhancements to the base product and focus on improvements for each of the main generators.

  • Improved Web Services support. I see this as meaning better WSDL naming and Result sets.
  • More functions over *Arrays
  • Logical deletion of functions in the model
  • Web Option and base tool improvements.

The main message across both of these roadmaps was ‘Enhancement Requests’ and CA’s commitment to be lead by its customer requirements. We play our part by getting them created in the first instance. So if there is something you want to see in the product then get creating.

I would have preferred to have seen more firm commitments and dates but I guess this is a case of working through the detail and then publishing to the community.  So I keenly wait to hear more soon.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Well confused on this matter of Road Maps and what we should or should not expect from a niche tool such as plex in terms of specifically DATES and COMMITMENTS in a road map I contacted LANSA as a direct comparison. No road maps there that they were willing to provide.

    So with my expectations managed I think there is nothing unusual for plex road map to contain no dates and commitments..just dynamic stratedgy.

    George Jeffcock


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