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Monday, December 5, 2011

Translator for CA Plex project!!!

Translator required!   Übersetzer erforderlichTraductor necesario!  
Traducteur obligatoires!   Vertaler Verplicht!   Traduttore obbligatori!
翻译 ! अनुवादक आवश्यक!Þýðandi Nauðsynleg! Translator Kinakailangan!!
Traduttore obbligatori!   翻訳者​​必要

Some of you know that I have been working on a small project with .NET C# and the CA Plex Model API.  The project was for an entity creator and I have decided that I wanted to learn and understand a little more about localisation with this technology too.

Here is the link - Entity Creator Blog post.

Well the good news is that I worked it out...... The bad news is that I struggle a little with the actual translation.

I struggle with two areas.

  1. Context - Everytime I type a small sentence or single word I get a few choices (Google Translate) which doesn't help me one little bit.
  2. Plex centric words - I know that many of us use the Plex terms from an English perspective.  i.e. I assume we all know a parent child relationship as "Known By".

My call to the community is that I would like to internationali(s/z)e the entity creator before I aim to get it open sourced for the community to extend (if you want to), or to discect if that is also of interest.

So calling all German, Spanish, Danish, Indian, Tivolian or other language converters in the community to assist with the translation of around 40 or 50 literals.  If you are interested please email me via LinkedIn (See link on blog) or put a comment and your email (I won't publish it) and I will contact you.

Thanks for reading.

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