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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Knowledge capture & use in technical support communities - Part 1

This three-part article is adapted from one I wrote almost 5 years ago when much of what you will read about was fresh in my mind. This adaptation addresses only the passage of time and some points of style and meaning for a wide audience.

Whilst software development is the subject of this blog, let us not forget those who (typically in large organisations) support the developers and others.

The nature of technical support communities.

Technical communities come in many forms, be they design teams, development teams or support teams.

Whilst design and development teams are largely about the creation process, they still have many day-to-day activities which are defined and repeatable. Support teams, although fulfilling an entirely different role, often have to create on a very short-term basis. So it can be seen that the different types of teams have similar requirements.

However, the support team seems, most often, to be the one to get out of control. The difference is that the support team is always working on a short time frame. In addition, support teams often become involved in project work and this adds to the complexity of the day-to-day activities, as the time frames are shortened still more.

Most often, you will find that staff in a support team are very good at what they do - they have to be to survive. Unfortunately, the higher the skill of the staff, the more reliant you are on those staff to keep the systems running. It is a difficult and time-consuming option to bring 'green' members into the team.

How many support managers have not recognised that documentation is a key part to the support process? I would wager very few. Fewer still, I propose, have succeeded in completing the documentation requirements within their team and reaped the kinds of benefits they were expecting.

Documentation, to the 'tech', is a four-letter word. I, myself, recall asking the question "Do you want me to document it, or do it?" Simple economies prevent the techs from having enough time to complete the documentation task and many welcome this excuse not to do it.

Another trait of support teams is the experts. In virtually any support team, there will be experts in various disciplines. Most often, however, these experts are relied upon to provide most of the resource in fixing problems in their area of expertise when they should, in fact, be called upon to share their knowledge.

Shared knowledge is a powerful tool. Experts will always be needed when particularly difficult or unusual situations occur, but the team as a whole should be able to leverage the experience to improve task turnaround times through a more even spread of the load.

Knowledge transfer

It has been documented in studies that the best way to learn something is to have an expert stand over your shoulder while you go 'hands on'. The reality of the situation in front of the learner, coupled with specific and pertinent comments or instructions from the expert gives the learner an experience often indistinguishable from the real thing. The learner also has the opportunity to ask direct questions in the context of what they are doing. Book learning, on the other hand, can only go so far with static examples and predetermined situations.

Perhaps the most important aspect of 'over-the-shoulder' learning, however, is that the expert is unlikely to simply recite steps by rote. There will be an accompanying commentary and usually a significant amount of reasoning on why things are done that way. This is very important in equipping the learner for when things do not go to plan.

Learning the steps of a process by heart is well and good when the process works. Most often, however, processes do not cover all possibilities and the rote-learner of the steps is going to come unstuck when an unforeseen, or simply undocumented situation arises. Unless the learner understands why they are taking the steps and what they should be achieving, they are almost as much 'in the dark' as prior to learning the steps.

Having knowledge about the nature of the process and the goings on under the covers helps get through many small deviations from the norm and also helps in issue resolution, as the learner is able to return to the expert with an hypothesis, or at least having done some basic checks suggested by the nature of the operation.

The key issue with this type of knowledge transfer is that, in the majority of cases, the expert is already overworked and has no time to spend standing over shoulders.

A secondary issue is that the expert may have to impart their knowledge, over time, to a number of different people, and this is inefficient.

The 'Virtual Expert'

From what has been discussed so far, it is clear that expert knowledge is required, but that tying up the expert in this process is seen as unproductive in most situations. We cannot get away from requiring time from the expert, but we can minimise this time and capitilise on it by recording the knowledge in the right way.

In part 2 of this article I will go into methods for capturing this knowledge in the most effective way.

Thanks for reading.

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