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Monday, June 30, 2008

Knowledge capture & use in technical support communities - Part 2

In Part 1 I discussed the problems facing the technical support team with overworked experts and a need to transfer their knowledge as efficiently as possible.

In Part 2 I will discuss how to successfully capture and store this knowledge in an efficient and, above all, useful way. I'll lead off with a brief overlap from last time as a reminder of where we got to.

The 'Virtual Expert'

From what has been discussed so far, it is clear that expert knowledge is required, but that tying up the expert in this process is seen as unproductive in the current climate. We cannot get away from requiring time from the expert, but we can minimise this time and capitilise on it by recording the knowledge in the right way.

The answer lies in recording the expert knowledge (on paper or, more usefully, electronically - see later) in such a way that it is as close as possible to the over-the-shoulder commentary.

There is often still a need to use numbered steps when accomplishing a task. Such steps provide structure and sequence and help with mental tracking when performing the task. There is no reason, however, why each step cannot contain more than simple 'input, output' or 'action, reaction' type information.

For maximum benefit, each step should be written in conversational language and explain what the user is doing, why they are doing it, what the expected outcome should be and at least make reference to any unusual, but known, variations.

Furthermore, before any of the steps, there should be an introductory section which describes why the user would perform the task, what pre-requisites there may be and definitions of terms, systems and the like. After the final step, make mention of any further tasks that may be a logical progression from the task described, but which do not form part of this process.

Don't take anything for granted

Whilst we are talking about capturing expert knowledge, it is important not to lose sight of the basics. Any documentation is devalued if it makes too many assumptions. In creating a documentation repository, an audience level should be decided - such as 'technically competent', or 'beginner' - and all documents should be written for that lowest common denominator. It is easier for a more expert user to skim over known material than it can be for a new person to work out the undocumented basics.

It is important to include examples in the documentation. Where possible, have the example show the most common scenario, as it is most likely that staff new to the task will use the examples. It is also worth giving additional examples if there are significant variations in a step. Providing examples helps the user to get closer to the over-the-shoulder situation.

The ultimate test for the documentation is to give the process to a person who is at this 'lowest level' and have them perform the task. You will be surprised by some of the information you have taken for granted in your early drafts. I know I was.

Structuring the documentation

For ease of maintenance, it is important to only ever store a piece of information in one place. To help achieve this structure, it is useful to allow for two document types in the repository - reference documents and process documents.

Process documents contain steps describing how to perform a task. Reference documents contain (mostly-) static information that supports one or more processes.

It is often necessary to refer to tables of information (such as a list of files, describing their usage) from more than one process document. By separating this type of information into a reference document, it can be referred to by multiple process documents without increasing the maintenance burden through multiple copies. Additionally, when the table requires maintenance, it is easier to locate (residing under its own title) and the maintenance can be performed without danger of corrupting the process documents. When properly structured, maintenance of the reference document can be accomplished without knowledge of the referring process documents.

Whilst reference documents tend to represent pure data, it is still important to keep the conversational language in mind. There may be naming conventions or other conventions which are being followed for the data and it is important to note this in the reference document to complete the picture for the user of the information, and equally importantly for the maintainer.

It is also beneficial to factor out sub-processes into separate process documents and refer to them from the major process documents. This is of value where a sub-process is part of more than one major process.

The major benefit of having information in only one place is realised when errors are amended or updates are applied. These have to be done in only one location and all related processes are automatically catered for, as they simply reference to this single occurrence.

Capturing is understanding

The process of capturing information is time consuming and is best not left to the individual experts. Remember that they don't have that much time. Also, too many authors can devalue the repository by differing styles and levels of language.

The best solution to this is to have a single person (or possibly two or three) to build the documentation repository. This co-ordinator is then responsible for collation, setting style and keeping the language consistent. This person should not be expected to author all of the documents, but must be able to understand at least the broad concepts involved in order to ensure that appropriate structure is followed.

Each expert should be expected to provide a draft of the process or reference data, in a form approaching the final requirement. In some cases, where the co-ordinator's knowledge is good enough, they may author the document, but it should always be checked by the relevant expert.

Electronic storage for fast access

Following the structuring process above introduces one significant disadvantage in a paper-based documentation repository. Frequent referencing to other documents causes the reader to flip pages or have multiple documents arranged on the desk in order to complete a single process.

In Part 3, I will discuss some real world solutions to electronically storing, maintaining and delivering the captured knowledge.

Thanks for reading.

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